August 13, 2013

Road Trip Survival Guide

Summer isn't even "officially" here yet, but if you're like us, you're already gearing up for a road trip! It can be an easy and affordable way to get to your destination, AND a way to spend quality time with your boo. However, with any road trip, there are bound to be bumps and frustrations along the way. Here are 5 tips to help you get to your destination and still have a good time!

1. Play on each other's strengths-

Maybe he isn't that great at reading maps. Or interpreting directions from Google Nav. That's ok! Road trips are supposed to be an escape! Contribute where it comes easier for you.

2. Be willing to compromise

Ricky is comfortable driving. He would've driven the whole way if I'd let him! Unfortunately, he can also be a little uncomfortable while I'm behind the wheel (I'm a safe driver! Honest!). So, instead of insisting that I get behind the wheel,

3. Bring your smartphone.... and a paper map.
The mountains of Virginia are beautiful and majestic... however your cell phone coverage may not survive the terrain. I have Verizon 4g LTE, and I still lost my signal for about 30 minutes.  Bringing a paper map may be a little old school, but when scaling to new heights, it could be a life saver if you happen to take the wrong exit.

4. Make sure you have cash on hand

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